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Sintefex Audio Software Registration Request

Replicator Software Version 3 for the FX2000 and FX8000 can be registered free of charge by end users, or its evaluation period can be renewed by distributors and system evaluators. Please read the licence conditions here and then complete one of the forms below to send your registration information to Sintefex Audio.

Why Register?

Because software is always made available under licence and is subject to continual upgrade it is necessary to keep track of users. As well as allowing us to keep you up to date with the latest developments this protects the investment of genuine users by helping us prevent unauthorised or illegal use. By asking for your comments and being aware of your application we can improve the product to meet your needs better.

What will happen to the information I give?

This is kept confidentially by Sintefex Audio and will not be used for promotional purposes.

We do from time to time compile a user list as a service to customers and their clients. Unless you tick the box requesting us not to include you on a user list we may list your name, contact information, equipment and application areas in a user list which will be made available to the public.

If you tick the box marked "never contact me" we will respect your privacy. Otherwise we may contact you occasionally if there are any promotional opportunies that may interest you or to get your feedback and suggestions for further development of Sintefex systems.

I am an evaluator / distributor. How do I renew the evaluation period?

Read the licence conditions. If you are a demo user (evaluating the unit or distributing the unit) you can apply for an authorisation code to renew the evaluation period. This is usually only necessary every few months (typically 400 hours of usage) and must be done within about 700 hours of usage.
After you have read the licence conditions select the link to the evaluation renewal form which is below the end-user registration form.

Licence Conditions for Version 3 Software

End-user and Evaluation Licence Conditions - General. Version 3 of Replicator software including remote control software and any other software (collectively the "Software" which excludes additional charge items as described below) supplied by Sintefex Audio Lda ("Sintefex") is supplied under licence for use on the Sintefex hardware or other use as specifically described here. All ownership rights to the Software belong to Sintefex or its suppliers and the user is not permitted to make unauthorised copies or to reverse engineer any aspects of the software or hardware. Aspects of the software and hardware are protected by international patent and other rights including European patent EP0917707 and other pending applications. No licence is granted by this document for use beyond the licensed use of the Software. Violation is subject to damages under applicable laws.
End User Licence.A bona-fide end user purchaser of a Sintefex product is entitled to use all parts of the Software applicable to the purchased machine for the duration of the life of the associated hardware upon completion of registration of the software with Sintefex. If the product is sold on the new owner is entitled to the same use provided that they agree to all the terms of this licence and further register the software with Sintefex.
Evaluation User Licence.Evaluators and Distributors ("Demo Users") who are not end-users are entitled to use the software for evaluation and demonstration of the Sintefex product for a period to be set by Sintefex Audio. Demo Users in good standing will be permitted unlimited renewals of the evaluation period. Good standing means that all agreements between Sintefex and the Demo Users and between Distributors and Evaluators have been honoured by the user.
Additional Charge Items.From time to time Sintefex or third parties may make available software which by reason of third party licensing or specific extra cost development or other reason, may be subject to additional charges for use. These additional charge items will be subject to their own licence conditions regarding evaluation or use.
Limitations of Use.The Software must not be used for any illegal purposes and especially not for any use involving breach of copyright. The Software is not licensed for use in any life-critical application. Any such use is entirely at the risk of the user and the user must hold Sintefex harmless for any claim arising from such use.
Termination of Licence.Termination by breach: Breach of any terms of this licence will terminate the licence. The licence for use of the Software is also terminated if the product is returned under hardware warranty agreements. On termination all copies of the Software must be returned to Sintefex.
Warranty and Liability Limitations for Upgrade Users.Users of Sintefex products who upgrade to this software from a previous version should note that Sintefex has no requirement to supply free of charge upgrades but does so in the interest of adding additional functionality and improvements for the benefit of its customers. In the event that a change of functionality is made that is not of benefit to a user, the user's sole recourse is to revert to a previous version of the software as already properly used under licence and accepted for use by the user. In particular the Software is provided "as is" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Sintefex shall have no liability (to the extent permissible by law) for loss of time, data, material or financial loss of attempting the upgrade. By registering the software the user accepts that the software is of suitable quality for his application.
Warranty and Liability Limitations for New Users.This Software is provided "as is" and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. The user is assumed to have evaluated the software together with the hardware and accepted its suitability to the user's application. If for proper reasons as governed by any applicable hardware warranty the hardware and Software are returned Sintefex shall have no liability (to the extent permissible by law) for loss of time, data, material or financial loss of using or attempting to use the Software. By registering the software the user accepts that the Software is of suitable quality for his application.
Governing Law.This licence is governed by the laws of Portugal or at Sintefex's sole discretion any territory with a court of competent jurisdiction.

End-users should use this End-user Software Registration Form.
Evaluators wishing to renew the evaluation period of the software should use the Evaluation Renewal Form.


Hardware Model... FX8000:, FX2000:, Serial Number:
The hardware model and serial number are printed on the back of your Replicator.

System Code - - - Version . .
The system code and software version number are displayed on the "register software" page on the front panel system screen.

My name is: Company
Street address:


Phone number:

Fax number:


Do you want to receive the authorisation code by... email, fax, post

Distributor/outlet/person from whom purchased Date of Purchase

Main activity / use of machine (please indicate all that apply):
Audio for Picture
If you entered "other", please indicate what the applications are below...

We will not use your name in advertising / endorsement material unless we contact you and get your specific agreement. However we maintain a user list to allow artistes and producers to locate facilities that have Sintefex technology. This list may be made available on the web site and in printed form.

Tick this box if you do not want to be included in the Sintefex Audio users' list:
Tick this box if you wish not to be contacted by Sintefex Audio, except in connection with the authorisation code:

Please register the software in my name. By clicking "Register Software" I indicate that I accept the terms of the software licence conditions.

Evaluators wishing to renew the software evaluation period should use this Software Evaluation Renewal Form.
To register the software as an end-user, please fill in the End-User Registration Form.


Hardware Model... FX8000:, FX2000:, Serial Number:
The hardware model and serial number are printed on the back of your Replicator.

System Code - - - Version . .
The system code and software version number are displayed on the "register software" page on the front panel system screen.

My name is: Company
Street address:


Phone number:

Fax number:


Do you want to receive the authorisation code by... email, fax, post

Please indicate which of these categories best describes you:
Authorised sales organisation/distributor, Evaluating for purchase, Evaluating for a project, Reviewer, Other
If "other" please describe your typeof use of the system:

Unless you are an authorised distributor / sales outlet, please enter distributor/outlet/person from whom acquired for evaluation When did you acquire the machine?

What is the main proposed activity / use of machine (please indicate all that apply):
Audio for Picture
If you entered "other", please indicate what the applications are below...

Please issue a software evaluation renewal code. By clicking "Request Software Renewal" I indicate that I accept the terms of the software licence conditions.

© 1997 - 2025 Sintefex Audio Lda, all rights reserved

[Server 3] Sintefex Audio Lda is a limited liability company incorporated in Portugal. The Sintefex name and logo, and the expression "Dynamic Convolution" are trademarks of Sintefex Audio Lda. All trademarks and trade names used on this site that are not the property of Sintefex Audio Lda are acknowledged. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information on this site, we accept no liability for inadvertent errors or omissions. All links are provided in good faith and do not represent an endorsement of the web site addressed nor do we have any responsibility for the content of any site not maintained by us. No matter on this web site (except your acceptance of licence conditions where indicated) constitutes any offer or any form of contract unless agreed explicitly in writing with authorised representatives of Sintefex Audio Lda. Sintefex Audio, Lda, Sitio de Vale Formosilho, S.Marcos da Serra, 8375-S. Bartolomeu de Messines. Capital Social: EUR5000 -Mat. C.R.C.Silves sob o no 01376/970908 NIPC no 503951170