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Sintefex Audio Password Request

File downloads are available and require just a few simple steps.

We ask you to fill in and submit this form after which we will e-mail you a free password allowing you entry to the file download area.

Most software is available for download free of charge for evaluation. However there may be a licence fee payable for continued use. Please note that in all cases ownership of software remains with Sintefex Audio Lda, and is available for use under licence. By requesting a free password you agree to be bound by all licence conditions printed in "readme" files packaged with the downloads and any screen licence conditions displayed on installation or in "about" boxes for any software product, or advised to you at any later date using the email address supplied or by way of publication on our website.

You do not have to give any information apart from a valid email address. Any information you do give will be treated in confidence by us or may be placed in a public user list if you request it.

My name is:

My company/affiliation is:

My email address is:*

This will be used to email you your password. Please check you have entered it correctly.

My phone number is:

My street address and country is:

Please read these general conditions and tick the box if you agree.

I understand that all software and downloaded material provided by Sintefex Audio Lda (Sintefex) is owned by Sintefex and is made available to me under licence. I agree to abide by all licence conditions included with software downloads, whether in "readme" files packaged with the product or displayed on installation or in "about" boxes present on the product, and as may be amended from time to time and advised to me at my email address (above) or published on the Sintefex web site. I also understand that Sintefex accepts no liability for any loss or damage however incurred as a result of downloading or using its software. I also warrant that I live in a territory where this exclusion of liability is legally valid, and I understand that if I don't I am not permitted to download any Sintefex software.

I tick this box to indicate my acceptance of these terms.

Special comments, requests and details of Sintefex products owned (optional):

We will not use your name in advertising / endorsement material unless we contact you and get your specific agreement. However we are planning a user list to allow artistes and producers to locate facilities that have Sintefex technology. This list may be made available on the web site and in printed form.

You may put my name and contact details into a Sintefex User list.
(Tick for yes)

* required

© 1997 - 2025 Sintefex Audio Lda, all rights reserved

[Server 3] Sintefex Audio Lda is a limited liability company incorporated in Portugal. The Sintefex name and logo, and the expression "Dynamic Convolution" are trademarks of Sintefex Audio Lda. All trademarks and trade names used on this site that are not the property of Sintefex Audio Lda are acknowledged. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information on this site, we accept no liability for inadvertent errors or omissions. All links are provided in good faith and do not represent an endorsement of the web site addressed nor do we have any responsibility for the content of any site not maintained by us. No matter on this web site (except your acceptance of licence conditions where indicated) constitutes any offer or any form of contract unless agreed explicitly in writing with authorised representatives of Sintefex Audio Lda. Sintefex Audio, Lda, Sitio de Vale Formosilho, S.Marcos da Serra, 8375-S. Bartolomeu de Messines. Capital Social: EUR5000 -Mat. C.R.C.Silves sob o no 01376/970908 NIPC no 503951170