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Sintefex Audio Links

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page


For reviews and articles, please go to Downloads Page. Links listed here are general links to magazines of interest

Audio Media UK, US and Europe (Various reviews)
Sound on Sound, UK (FX2000 and CX2000 review in September 2002 Issue)
Sound on Sound, UK, article Jon Astley uses the Sintefex Replicator in restoration of "The Who"
Mix Magazine, US (Names Replicator FX8000 amongst top ten products at AES Paris 2000)
Resolution Magazine

Local Information and Businesses:
Where we are - you will find S. Marcos da Serra  in about the centre of this map on the main road to Lisbon
Local Information
British Portuguese Chamber of Commerce

Cambridge Connections:
Spaceward Studios
JoeCo Ltd (Blackbox Recorder)
SuperNova and Matisse
Studio Audio and Video (SADiE)

JoeCo Ltd (Blackbox Recorder)
Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd.
Mark Graham's Spaceward Studio Site
Spaceward Studios: part of the history of Sintefex Audio...
Mark Graham Graphics

Places to stay:
Nearest accommodation: 'Adega Velha' a high quality self contained villa with private pool accommodating up to 9 people, available by the day or week, subject to availability (5 minutes drive)
Next Nearest accommodation: 'Turismo Rural' is a high quality guest house rather than a hotel (20 minutes drive)
Nearest Hotel: In our County Town of Silves, we recommend Hotel Colina dos Mouros (35 minute drive)

© 1997 - 2024 Sintefex Audio Lda, all rights reserved

[Server 3] Sintefex Audio Lda is a limited liability company incorporated in Portugal. The Sintefex name and logo, and the expression "Dynamic Convolution" are trademarks of Sintefex Audio Lda. All trademarks and trade names used on this site that are not the property of Sintefex Audio Lda are acknowledged. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information on this site, we accept no liability for inadvertent errors or omissions. All links are provided in good faith and do not represent an endorsement of the web site addressed nor do we have any responsibility for the content of any site not maintained by us. No matter on this web site (except your acceptance of licence conditions where indicated) constitutes any offer or any form of contract unless agreed explicitly in writing with authorised representatives of Sintefex Audio Lda. Sintefex Audio, Lda, Sitio de Vale Formosilho, S.Marcos da Serra, 8375-S. Bartolomeu de Messines. Capital Social: EUR5000 -Mat. C.R.C.Silves sob o no 01376/970908 NIPC no 503951170