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Frequently Asked Questions Index

AvailabilityAre the Sintefex Replicator Products still available?
...What products use Sintefex's unique Dynamic Convolution technology?
GeneralAre you going to release Replicator as a plug-in for a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)?
...Can't you already get some plug-ins that sound like analogue processors?
...Which Dynamic Convolution product do I need?
...Why do I need Dynamic Convolution?
LatencyWhat is the delay through these effects? Other manufacturers' digital emulations take too long for real time use.
Start-upDo Sintefex effects products start-up doing what they were doing at power down?

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FX8000 & FX2000
AvailabilityAre the Sintefex FX8000 and FX2000 Replicator Products still available?
Classic EQ and CompressorWith the EQ/compressor units. Can the sampled EQ section and sampled compressor be used at the same time, or is it just one or the other?
Disk MaintenanceHow do I delete samples, programs or effects?
DownloadingDownload of new samples, programs and effects to Replicator seem slow or keeps failing. What am I doing wrong?
...Replimat is telling me that the USB connection is broken - but it has been working okay before I switched the PC off and on again.
Factory presetsHow do you reset an FX2000 or FX8000 to its factory preset state?
...I want to see a picture of the original EQ or Compressor on my computer when I am using a model. Why can't I do that on Replicator?
GeneralPrograms? Samples? Effects? What's all that about?
...What are Effects?
...What are Programs?
...What are Samples?
...When I load a program the current channel loads (or current channels in stereo or surround) - but supposing I want to load the whole machine to the saved state - including any split between mono, stereo and surround channel groups?
LibraryI think my library of effects is well out of date. How can I get it up to the latest version?
RegisteringDo I have to register the new version 3 software over and over again or just once?
...Do I need to wait for the authorisation code before I use Version 3 Software?
...How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?
...I am a distributor. Can I get a licence renewal code from you that I can use over and over every time I need to renew the evaluation period?
...I am just trying out the unit and I am getting reminders to register the software which is very annoying. What can I do?
...If there is a delay in registering will Replicator suddenly stop working?
...Will I need to register again on the next upgrade?
ReplimatAre there any plans for making Replimat remote control software available for the Macintosh?
...How do I see the FX2000 front panel using Replimat?
Slow DisplayWhy is Replicator running fantastically slowly? The screen is taking seconds to redraw.
SoftwareAre software and library updates going to be free forever?
...How do I run the 'Alternate' Software?
...How do I run the 'Engineering Test' Software?
...What is 'Alternate' software?
...What is 'Engineering Test' Software?
TestWhat is the 'test' option that appears in the 'disk manage' page?
UndoIf I load a program but then want to go back to the previous setup - can I undo the change?

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AvailabilityIs the Sintefex CX2000 Sampled Compressor still available?
Factory presetsHow do I reset a CX2000 to its factory state?
ModelsHow do I put more compressor models on my CX2000?
SoftwareAre there any plans for making CX2000 remote control software available for the Macintosh?

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All Machines
FirmwareWhat is a "firmware rev"?
SoftwareCan I control multiple Sintefex machines from one PC?

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why do I need Dynamic Convolution?

If you try to record all-digitally you rapidly discover that the results are often unsatisfactory unless you press into service some analogue processing equipment. This is because the important signal processing tasks of EQ and dynamics control are still very basic on most digital recording systems. EQ for example is often computed from just 3 numbers for gain, frequency and Q and an EQ band is done in just 3 or 4 DSP instructions.

While this is good because it gives you a lot of channels on just a few DSPs, it does not satisfy the ear. You frequently find that where you would find just a small amount of analogue EQ would do the job, you have to use excessive amounts of digital EQ, often giving a disappoinging result. Patching in an analogue EQ or compressor often solves the problem but then you have the extra conversions, the noise problems and it is not usually repeatable. Sometimes even two channels of an analogue effect are not matched for stereo and matching for multi-channel is impossible.

Dynamic Convolution solves these problems by using a unique approach to sample real analogue signal processors and then simulate them digitally. This capture the analogue sound which can then be applied digitally, allowing you to get perfect repeatabilty, perfect channel matching, and none of the conversion and interfacing problems of analogue.

We even sample the way that the sound of analogue equipment changes with signal level, since this is an essential way that analogue processing imparts its unique flavour to the sound.

Related questions on this topic...

Which Dynamic Convolution product do I need?
Are the Sintefex Replicator Products still available?

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Can't you already get some plug-ins that sound like analogue processors?

Plug-in designers are very good at graphics: you get great pictures of the front panel of an old piece of gear, but the sound is not a sample. What has happened is that the programmer has tried to work out a way of approximating the sound of the original equipment. The success depends on the skill of the programmer who is often not a recording engineer.

The best way to convince yourself of this is to try out Replicator and then find a plug-in that can match the sound. Sometimes you can get close, but no-one offers the unique sampling technology of Replicator. We have sampled the real gear and the results are uncannily natural.

We even sample the way that the sound of analogue equipment changes with signal level, since this is an essential way that analogue processing imparts its unique flavour to the sound.

Related questions on this topic...

Why do I need Dynamic Convolution?
Which Dynamic Convolution product do I need?

Links relevant to this topic...

Sintefex Products Page
Sintefex Samples Page

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Are you going to release Replicator as a plug-in for a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)?

Most DAWs use the native CPUs of the computer, or a "DSP farm" of a few DSPs laid out in in a general way. This is fine for simple processes like programmed digital EQ, but as soon as you want to do the job properly you find that there is not enough processing power available for this unique technology, except on the latest hardware platforms with DSP assistance.

Until recently, simple CPU / DSP arrangements have not been able to handle the complexity the ear demands. For example each sampled EQ embodies many thousand of numbers, not just the few of simple digital equalisers. (In fact some of our EQ samples contain over a million 32-bit floating point values to define their sound.).

We do not say "how many channels can I do on one DSP", we say "how many DSPs do we need to do the job properly", and then we design the hardware specifically to do the job.

DSP acceleration has now allowed DAW's to use the unique Dynamic Convolution technology. For example see DSP peripherals like the Focusrite Liquid Mix, or the latest Protools TDM systems running Liquid Mix HD plugins.

Related questions on this topic...

What products use Sintefex's unique Dynamic Convolution technology?
Why do I need Dynamic Convolution?
Can't you already get some plug-ins that sound like analogue processors?
Which Dynamic Convolution product do I need?

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Which Dynamic Convolution product do I need?

Dynamic Convolution products are available from our licensees.(see the related questions). Although we no longer make them, the Replicator range offered 3 units. The most versatile "original" Replicator is the FX8000. This is expandable to 8 channels from the basic 2 channel unit and is ideal for surround sound use (but the channels can be used separately or in groups for example for several stereo effects). The FX8000 also has sampling ability and also has a selection of reverberation programs for stereo and surround applications.

The FX2000 is the smaller brother of the FX8000. This is a 2-channel unit that cannot be expanded to 8 channels, but it can be used in stereo or as a twin channel mono unit. It replays all the samples available for the FX8000 (with the exception of reverberation programs) and is perfect for all Classic EQ and Classic Compressor functions.

The CX2000 is a different style unit that provides cost effective dynamics based on our analogue sampling technology. This 1U unit is easy to use with a bright clear display and because it has no disk storage is perfect for permanent or live installations as well as creative dynamics control. 8 sampled compressors are provided and there are 100 user memories. There is a 3-band EQ section for sidechain that can also be placed in the main signal path. A full MIDI interface allows it to be controlled from a sequencer.

All units are provided with a USB interface and can be remotely controlled from a PC with the appropriate program available free-of-charge from our downloads page. The FX range units feature an internal hard disk for storage of the large amount of data of classic EQ and Compressors.

Related questions on this topic...

What products use Sintefex's unique Dynamic Convolution technology?
Why do I need Dynamic Convolution?
Are the Sintefex Replicator Products still available?

Links relevant to this topic...

Sintefex Products Page

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Do Sintefex effects products start-up doing what they were doing at power down?

The CX2000 is an all solid state unit and always remembers its settings, so in the event of a power failure it will resume with the same settings as when power is removed.

The FX2000 and FX8000 are disk based systems and will save their settings as a Progam at various times in use and when power is turned off from the front panel.

On power-up of FX machines you can choose whether the system normally loads the last saved state, whether it loads a nominated Program each time, or whether it starts up in a "clean"state.

Related questions on this topic...

What are Programs?
How do I reset a CX2000 to its factory state?
If I load a program but then want to go back to the previous setup - can I undo the change?

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What is the delay through these effects? Other manufacturers' digital emulations take too long for real time use.

The processing delay (also know as latency) is very low. It is usually quicker to pass through a Replicator than to convert to analogue and back again if you are already digital. Allow about 1mS digital in to out.

If you are working in analogue, the conversion to digital and back has a typical minimum time of around a millesecond. The extra time to process the signal is usally about the same

Some effects like linear phase take quite a bit longer and are not recommended for real time use but have mastering applications.

Replicator can be set to report the processing delay (see the system / setup page) which shows (analogue) in to out delay. The system can be set to give the same delay in bypass for glitch-free punch-in/out.

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Are the Sintefex Replicator Products still available?

Sintefex no longer manufacturers the FX8000, FX2000 and CX2000 units. Units become available from time to time on e-bay.

The unique sound of Dynamic Convolution is currently available in products which license Sintefex's technology.

Related questions on this topic...

What products use Sintefex's unique Dynamic Convolution technology?

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What products use Sintefex's unique Dynamic Convolution technology?

Sintefex licenses the Dynamic Convolution technology for use in a number of products - a number which is growing all the time.

Some products that use Dynamic Convolution are The Focusrite Liquid Channel, Liquid Mix and Liquid Saffire 56. Please visit the Focusrite website for more information.

Links relevant to this topic...

Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd

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FX8000 & FX2000

What is the 'test' option that appears in the 'disk manage' page?

This allows a set of confidence tests to be carried out on the machine by service personnel. It allows the communications paths between DSPs to be tested at all main sample rates.

The DSP chain option tests the signal path through the chain of processors that process a channel. The DSP comms option tests the control paths between the DSPs. 'all' may be selected to alternately test both.

"cycle" instructs the test process to switch sample rates periodically to test that there are no problems across the sample rates available on the machine.

"restart count" (if shown) indicates the maximum number of automatic restarts the machine has performed as part of its normal sample rate switching and is intended for information of service personnel only. This does not indicate an error. Any errors if shown should be referred to Sintefex Audio but rarely prevent use of the machine as the test is more exhaustive than audio signal tests.

Related questions on this topic...

What is a "firmware rev"?

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How do you reset an FX2000 or FX8000 to its factory preset state?

Because there is a large and growing library of sampled effects there is not a fixed factory state stored on the internal disk. It is necessary to obtain the latest list of factory presets and compare these with what is installed on the machine. Any missing sample, program or effect can then be obtained from the Sintefex Audio web site and loaded to the FX machine.

User generated samples and programs can be deleted by using the engineering test software.

A PC/Windows based software tool is in preparation that will automatically maintain an FX machine by comparing its current disk contents with a master list on the Sintefex Audio web site. When this is released it will be possible to update and restore to initial state with little human intervention.

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What is 'Alternate' software?

The FX2000 and FX8000 can have three versions of operating system installed. The first of these is run automatically at start up. They are called the main, the alternate and the engineering test software.

The alternate software is only useful if you wish to update your main software, but want to have the previous version available. Normally you would not need to do this but experienced users may wish to make use of this option. See the Replimat documentation for how to load software to Replicator.

Replicator can be started into its alternate software by holding down the second select button down (to the left of the display screen) during switch-on. The button should be held until the software start is complete.

Related questions on this topic...

What is 'Engineering Test' Software?
How do I run the 'Engineering Test' Software?
How do I run the 'Alternate' Software?

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What is 'Engineering Test' Software?

The FX2000 and FX8000 can have three versions of operating system installed. The first of these is run automatically at start up. They are called the main, the alternate and the engineering test software.

The 'Engineering Test' software is intended for maintenance tests of Replicator by service personnel only. It is not required in normal use. See the Replimat documentation for how to load software to Replicator.

Replicator can be started into its 'Engineering Test' software by holding down the third select button down (to the left of the display screen) during switch-on. The button should be held until the software start is complete.

Related questions on this topic...

What is 'Alternate' software?
How do I run the 'Engineering Test' Software?
How do I run the 'Alternate' Software?

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How do I run the 'Engineering Test' Software?

The FX2000 and FX8000 can have three versions of operating system installed. The first of these is run automatically at start up. They are called the main, the alternate and the engineering test software.

The 'Engineering Test' software is intended for maintenance tests of Replicator by service personnel only. It is not required in normal use. See the Replimat documentation for how to load software to Replicator.

Replicator can be started into its 'Engineering Test' software by holding down the third select button down (to the left of the display screen) during switch-on. The button should be held until the software start is complete.

Related questions on this topic...

What is 'Alternate' software?
What is 'Engineering Test' Software?
How do I run the 'Alternate' Software?

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How do I run the 'Alternate' Software?

The FX2000 and FX8000 can have three versions of operating system installed. The first of these is run automatically at start up. They are called the main, the alternate and the engineering test software.

The alternate software is only useful if you wish to update your main software, but want to have the previous version available. Normally you would not need to do this but experienced users may wish to make use of this option. See the Replimat documentation for how to load software to Replicator.

Replicator can be started into its alternate software by holding down the second select button down (to the left of the display screen) during switch-on. The button should be held until the software start is complete.

Related questions on this topic...

What is 'Alternate' software?
What is 'Engineering Test' Software?
How do I run the 'Engineering Test' Software?

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How do I delete samples, programs or effects?

In normal operation you cannot delete stored items except by saving over them.

The 'Engineering Test' software does have options to wipe all the disk, or clear all the non preset banks. This should be used with care by experienced users only.

Related questions on this topic...

How do I run the 'Engineering Test' Software?
Programs? Samples? Effects? What's all that about?

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Download of new samples, programs and effects to Replicator seem slow or keeps failing. What am I doing wrong?

Connection between Replicator and the PC is most reliable using the USB connection set to the standard setting. Slow USB and MIDI are not recommended as they are subject to unreliability and can be as much as 1/100th the speed of standard USB.

On the 'remote control' screen of Replicator, make sure that USB 'standard' is selected and press 'do it'.

If you have never connected using this mode before Windows will request that you install the drivers. These are available in the Replimat drivers folder, where there are also some readme notes explaining exactly what to do.

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Why is Replicator running fantastically slowly? The screen is taking seconds to redraw.

This can happen sometimes if Replicator is attached by USB to a computer that is switched off. This should not occur in any software from version 2.2 on, so consider updating your operating software.

Replicator sometimes sees the powered down USB master as a continuous stream of 'reset' signals that causes Replicator to spend most of its time responding to the imaginary host.

Simply disconnect Replicator from the PC or turn the PC on. From version 2.2 of Replicator software this condition is detected and Replicator automatically disconnects.

Related questions on this topic...

Replimat is telling me that the USB connection is broken - but it has been working okay before I switched the PC off and on again.

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How do I see the FX2000 front panel using Replimat?

Replimat can display either an FX8000 or an FX2000 front panel on the PC screen.

In the 'system' menu on the main menu bar select 'options'. You can select either FX2000 or FX8000 as the mode for Replimat to start up in. You can also select the number of channels to simulate and various refresh rates to suit your PC's speed of drawing.

When you connect to a Replicator for remote control and switch remote control on, Replimat will automatically select the matching settings for the actual machine attached.

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Are there any plans for making Replimat remote control software available for the Macintosh?

In 2003 we released the FxRemote remote control program for the Apple Macintosh. This runs under OSX only (not Classic) and allows complete remote control of FX2000 and FX8000 units. Please note that it runs natively on PPC machines only, not on Intel based Macs.

FxRemote will also guide you through a simple update procedure to ensure you have the latest operating software on your Replicator hardware.

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Replimat is telling me that the USB connection is broken - but it has been working okay before I switched the PC off and on again.

If Replicator is connected via USB to a PC that is switched off, all software from version 2.2 onwards detects this condition and disables its USB support. (This is because many PCs pull the signals low which is a USB reset condition).

Simply go to the 'remote control' page on Replicator, check that USB 'standard' is selected (it usually already is) and press 'do it'.

Replicator will now be reconnected. Try Replimat again.

Related questions on this topic...

Why is Replicator running fantastically slowly? The screen is taking seconds to redraw.

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Programs? Samples? Effects? What's all that about?

Programs store the current setting on Replicator. When these are reloaded all the settings are set back to the same settings to restore the same signal processing as when they were saved. Programs also reload the necessary samples or effects needed for the processing which are saved separately.

Samples are the "clever" part of Replicator. Each sample is a snapshot of an analogue signal path.

Effects are factory built compilations of one or more Samples into a complete effect. Classic Compressors and Classic EQs are examples of Effects.

Related questions on this topic...

How do I delete samples, programs or effects?
What are Samples?
What are Programs?
What are Effects?

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What are Samples?

Samples are the "clever" part of Replicator. Each sample is a snapshot of an analogue signal path.

An FX8000 can take a snapshot of any signal path that is capable of recreation using the Replicator technology. This includes most EQ and distortion paths but excludes many digital effects such as pitch shifters and multi-band dynamics.

The snapshot remembers the frequency and phase response of the signal path and also the way it changes with signal level. We use a test signal that samples over a 40dB range of the path to be sampled. Below -40db we assume that no further changes to the signal path will occur.

Signal paths that include dynamic gain variation must be sampled with the gain variation disabled. Units like compressors require a separate sampling procedure after the signal path is sampled to determine the gain reduction characteristic.

Although an FX8000 is required to make or edit Samples, an FX2000 can load Samples if they are part of a Program and will allow a sampled path to be recreated on the FX2000. The Program and Sample can be transferred using USB and the Replimat PC software.

Related questions on this topic...

Programs? Samples? Effects? What's all that about?

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What are Programs?

Programs store the current setting on Replicator. When these are reloaded all the settings are set back to the same settings to restore the same signal processing as when they were saved.

Programs remember which Samples and Effects are used to create the processing you have set up. These are loaded when the the program is re-loaded, so it is necessary to ensure that the same samples and effects are available to recreate the Program.

Programs store the current settings for every channel on your Replicator. For example if you are working with two mono channels it will store both channels. When you reload a Program you can either load the current channel(s) only and leave the others unaffected, or you can load the whole system so that all the channels are restored to their saved settings.

Programs also store the gain reduction curve data for simulating compressors. An FX8000 can be used to sample a compressor signal path (the "sample") and also the gain curve data as part of the program. If this Program is saved then when it is reloaded a complete simulation of the compressor is recreated.

Programs can be transferred between machines (including between FX2000 and FX8000) using a PC connected via USB and the Replimat PC program. An FX2000 is of course limited to 2 channels and also does not support any of the "After Effects" (delays and reverberations) available on the FX8000.

Related questions on this topic...

Programs? Samples? Effects? What's all that about?

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What are Effects?

Effects are factory built compilations of one or more Samples into a complete effect. Classic Compressors and Classic EQs are examples of Effects.

Classic EQs are "multi-samples" of (usually) hundreds of individual Samples, combined with control information so that you can operate controls in a familiar way to select the correct samples that match the settings. This way the response of the original machine is simulated according to the control settings in the same way as the original unit.

Classic Compressors combine the Sample of the signal path of the compressor with the gain curve data that FX8000 can sample. In this way all the major parameters of a sampled compressor are loaded as one unit when a Classic Compressor is loaded.

Effects are provided by us and are available for download on our web site. They can't be transferred between machines but the same set of effects can be stored on all FX2000 and FX8000 machines.

Related questions on this topic...

Programs? Samples? Effects? What's all that about?
Are software and library updates going to be free forever?
With the EQ/compressor units. Can the sampled EQ section and sampled compressor be used at the same time, or is it just one or the other?

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When I load a program the current channel loads (or current channels in stereo or surround) - but supposing I want to load the whole machine to the saved state - including any split between mono, stereo and surround channel groups?

The "programs" page has a load button which loads the current channel you are working on. However the "more options" button takes you to another page which has the option to "load whole machine". This reloads the complete state of the machine as saved.

This is more useful for programs you have saved rather than the factory presets, as the pre-sets were usually made on a 2 channel machine so has no information stored for multichannel units.

This option allows you to get back quickly to a complicated setup particularly if you have set up combinations of effects on a number of mono channels or a mix of mono, stereo or surround groups of channel.

Related questions on this topic...

If I load a program but then want to go back to the previous setup - can I undo the change?

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If I load a program but then want to go back to the previous setup - can I undo the change?

Yes - whenever you load a program the Replicator first saves an "undo" program of the previous setup. The last 128 undo levels are accesible by pressing "undo load" in the program page.

Replicator saves undo states at various other times, for example when changing the configuration (mono to stereo, etc). These can also be undone in the "program" page.

Every time you press "undo load" you move back through the undo history. To move forwards again visit the "redo load" in the "more options" page.

Replicator also saves an undo program every time it is powered down from the front panel. This is loaded automatically at power up if the power up state is set to restore the powered down state. You can load it manually by doing an undo as the first operation after power-up.

Related questions on this topic...

When I load a program the current channel loads (or current channels in stereo or surround) - but supposing I want to load the whole machine to the saved state - including any split between mono, stereo and surround channel groups?
Do Sintefex effects products start-up doing what they were doing at power down?

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I think my library of effects is well out of date. How can I get it up to the latest version?

If your library has not been up to date some time during 2002, or if (for example) when you go to the Compressor Screen and select "Classic Compressor" you do not get any list of Classic Compressors available, it is probably best to load all the current effects library from scratch. (Otherwise just find the latest files needed to get up to date and load these.)

From our website download all the fx files - the zips are the quickest - and unzip them and place them all in folder on your PC. (We can supply a CD-R copy of the web images on request but the web is always the most up-to-date).

Make sure you have Replimat software installed and a USB connection to the Replicator. First upload any programs you have created (usually any programs in banks 1 - 4) and any samples you have made (FX8000 users only). Keep these safe on your PC.

Make sure you have the latest Replicator software. Check the latest release notes on the download page of the website for details. If you do not have the latest first update the Replicator software and check it is working okay. (The manual has full details of this).

Then set Replimat to download all the programs, samples and effects in all banks in the libraries to Replicator. This will take several hours but can be unattended.

Finally visit the "disk manage" page on Replicator and do a "tidy disk". Then power down Replicator and power up again. You will have all the latest effects files and programs installed.

Links relevant to this topic...

Sintefex Downloads Page

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Do I have to register the new version 3 software over and over again or just once?

End-users only have to register the software once.

Distributors and users evaluating a system for an extended period have to renew the evaluation period every few months to prevent the software becoming increasingly insistent on registration.

Related questions on this topic...

How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?
Do I need to wait for the authorisation code before I use Version 3 Software?
If there is a delay in registering will Replicator suddenly stop working?

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How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?

Registration takes only a few minutes. Simply press the "register software" button on the start screen and make a note of the 16 character system code displayed and the software version number. Fill in the registration form in the user guide or on our web site and send this to us.

We will send back a new 16 character authorisation code which you enter using the "enter code" option on the registration page. The simply press "enter" and the operation is complete.

Related questions on this topic...

Do I have to register the new version 3 software over and over again or just once?
Do I need to wait for the authorisation code before I use Version 3 Software?
If there is a delay in registering will Replicator suddenly stop working?

Links relevant to this topic...

Sintefex Audio Registration Page

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Do I need to wait for the authorisation code before I use Version 3 Software?

No. Version 3 software will run normally for many hundreds of hours before it becomes insistent on registration. This gives plenty of time for registration.

Related questions on this topic...

Do I have to register the new version 3 software over and over again or just once?
How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?
If there is a delay in registering will Replicator suddenly stop working?

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If there is a delay in registering will Replicator suddenly stop working?

No. Replicator will continue to work, but it will remind you frequently to register. To remove these reminders, simply register the software.

Related questions on this topic...

How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?

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I am just trying out the unit and I am getting reminders to register the software which is very annoying. What can I do?

Normally a system will be supplied for evaluation with many hours of evaluation available. If this is not the case you can simply request a restart of the evaluation period to get rid of the message.

See the FAQ "How do I register" to see what you need to do. We will make sure you receive an authorisation code that gives many hundreds of hours of further evaluation as quickly as possible.

Related questions on this topic...

How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?

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Will I need to register again on the next upgrade?

Not until another major release is made. Ongoing upgrade releases that start with 3 will not need re-registering.

Related questions on this topic...

Do I have to register the new version 3 software over and over again or just once?
How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?

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I want to see a picture of the original EQ or Compressor on my computer when I am using a model. Why can't I do that on Replicator?

Many programmed simulations running on DAWs or plug-in cards show you an image that is like the original machine. However usually more effort went into making it look good than making it sound good.

With Replicator, only genuine samples of the original equipment are used in the simulation, not programmers' interpretations. Because many different models can be sampled, and we are not limited to a few approximations, we have to have a display that will control any equaliser or compressor.

If we used the original control layout we would not be able to offer the additional options that are possible once a device is sampled. In this way we can offer an LA-2 that has complete control over attack and release (unlike the orignal). You can even select between different level detection modes (opto or peak type detectors). None of this is possible with the original panel layout.

In the same way that when you use a sampled instrument on a synthesiser you do not need to be limited to just what the original instrument could do, so you do not need to limit your creativity with sampled EQ's or Compressors.

Related questions on this topic...

What are Effects?

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Are software and library updates going to be free forever?

Purchasers of Sintefex products can receive software updates and library additions free for the life of the product. These are posted from time to time on our website.

It is possible that some major new features may be made available in the future as an additional charge option, either because it requires a third-party licence or because we have dedicated major research to a new feature.

However, you will always be able to use the features you have purchased and many improvements and developments of them free of additional charge for the life of the Replicator hardware.

Related questions on this topic...

How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?

Links relevant to this topic...

Sintefex Downloads Page

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I am a distributor. Can I get a licence renewal code from you that I can use over and over every time I need to renew the evaluation period?

No. You need a new renewal code each time you renew the evaluation period. These are available free of charge from us - see "How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?".

This system protects you when shipping the unit for evaluation as we will always check with you before issuing any further evaluation renewal or end user requests to ensure that only bona-fide purchasers can legally operate the system.

Related questions on this topic...

How do I register Version 3 Replicator Software?
Do I have to register the new version 3 software over and over again or just once?

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With the EQ/compressor units. Can the sampled EQ section and sampled compressor be used at the same time, or is it just one or the other?

Each channel of an FX2000 or FX8000 can run one signal path simulation (it takes a lot of processing power). However there are two solutions to running a Classic EQ and a Classic Compressor together.

First of all you ALWAYS have a dynamics section available as well as the simulator section. If you load a Classic Compressor first you get both the signal path sample and the analogue sampled compressor gain reduction characteristics. Together these make up the full simulation. If you then load a Classic EQ, the signal path is changed to the Classic EQ but the compressor section keeps the dynamic characteristics of the sampled Classic Compressor, which is often the main part of its sound. Together you get a pretty good signal path based on the analogue sound of the Classic EQ and the analogue sounding dynamics of the Classic Compressor.

Alternatively of course you can run one channel of a Replicator as a Classic Compressor and the other as Classic EQ, and route the signal through both channels in series.

Related questions on this topic...

What are Effects?

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Are the Sintefex FX8000 and FX2000 Replicator Products still available?

Sintefex no longer manufacturers the FX8000 and FX2000 units. Units become available from time to time on e-bay.

The unique sound of Dynamic Convolution is currently available in products which license Sintefex's technology.

Related questions on this topic...

What products use Sintefex's unique Dynamic Convolution technology?

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How do I put more compressor models on my CX2000?

The CX2000 offers 8 built in compressors stored in on-board flash memory, at each of the 4 main sample rates. These cannot be added to as they represent a good cross section of sampled devices and by keeping this set fixed you know that with any CX2000 the same effects are available.

However, if you are using the CX2000 under remote control from a PC (with the CX2000 remote control software) it is possible to download a new compressor model to the CX2000 for the duration of a session. This will not be restored if there is a power interruption however as it is not stored in the CX2000 fixed memory itself.

New compressor models for the CX2000 can be obtained from the Sintefex Audio download area.

Links relevant to this topic...

Sintefex Downloads Page

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How do I reset a CX2000 to its factory state?

The CX2000 remembers its current setting at all times so that in the event of power failure it restarts in the same state as when it was powered down. If you want it to start up in a known "default" state, hold down the "SELECT >>" button during the power up cycle.

This presets the sample rate to 48k, removes any sideband EQ, chooses the first sampled compressor model at 1:1 ratio and stereo linked, selects automatic clock source and selects analogue input at preset +18dBu levels (if analogue option is installed).

If another start up state is desired, we suggest that you save this state in one of the 100 user memories and call this up whenever you want to return to that state.

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Are there any plans for making CX2000 remote control software available for the Macintosh?

No, a PC is required to remote control the CX2000.

Because CX2000 remote does not require a very high performance PC, we suggest that a fairly cheap PC or a laptop running Windows could be used as a dedicated Replicator remote control at a fairly low cost, leaving any Macintosh machines free for their normal uses.

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Is the Sintefex CX2000 Sampled Compressor still available?

Sintefex no longer manufacturers the CX2000. Units become available from time to time on e-bay.

The unique sound of Dynamic Convolution is currently available in products which license Sintefex's technology.

Related questions on this topic...

What products use Sintefex's unique Dynamic Convolution technology?

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All Machines

What is a "firmware rev"?

On FX2000 and FX8000 the firmware refers to the programmed logic assemblies within the system. The operation of the system can be altered by changes to firmware which often matches a hardware design change. Two different machines of the same type can quite normally have different firmware revisions and dates.

On a CX2000, the operating software is also referred to as firmware because it resides in programmed flash memory rather than on disk, as is the case on FX machines.

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Can I control multiple Sintefex machines from one PC?

This is not currently possible, but we have plans for a version of remote control software that makes it possible to control several Replicator / CX2000 machines from one PC.

Please contact us for further information.

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[Server 3] Sintefex Audio Lda is a limited liability company incorporated in Portugal. The Sintefex name and logo, and the expression "Dynamic Convolution" are trademarks of Sintefex Audio Lda. All trademarks and trade names used on this site that are not the property of Sintefex Audio Lda are acknowledged. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information on this site, we accept no liability for inadvertent errors or omissions. All links are provided in good faith and do not represent an endorsement of the web site addressed nor do we have any responsibility for the content of any site not maintained by us. No matter on this web site (except your acceptance of licence conditions where indicated) constitutes any offer or any form of contract unless agreed explicitly in writing with authorised representatives of Sintefex Audio Lda. Sintefex Audio, Lda, Sitio de Vale Formosilho, S.Marcos da Serra, 8375-S. Bartolomeu de Messines. Capital Social: EUR5000 -Mat. C.R.C.Silves sob o no 01376/970908 NIPC no 503951170