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Document Download Page

This page allows you to download current documents, pictures etc.

Document Download


General Documents
Reviews and Articles
Photos and Graphics for publication

General Documents

A general article about Replicator technology
Technical paper on Dynamic Convolution
Technical paper on Compressor Simulation

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Reviews and Articles


Resolution: March 2003 - Article by Mike Kemp "Sampling Equalisers" discussing Replicator technology (pdf)

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Photos and Graphics for publication

These pictures are available as low resolution JPEG/GIF images (suitable for web sites) and higher resolution TIFF files (suitable for print). These "thumbnail" pictures are low resolution. Please use the links below them for higher resolution versions.

(There are currently no photos and graphics available here, more are available in document archive)

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© 1997 - 2024 Sintefex Audio Lda, all rights reserved

[Server 3] Sintefex Audio Lda is a limited liability company incorporated in Portugal. The Sintefex name and logo, and the expression "Dynamic Convolution" are trademarks of Sintefex Audio Lda. All trademarks and trade names used on this site that are not the property of Sintefex Audio Lda are acknowledged. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information on this site, we accept no liability for inadvertent errors or omissions. All links are provided in good faith and do not represent an endorsement of the web site addressed nor do we have any responsibility for the content of any site not maintained by us. No matter on this web site (except your acceptance of licence conditions where indicated) constitutes any offer or any form of contract unless agreed explicitly in writing with authorised representatives of Sintefex Audio Lda. Sintefex Audio, Lda, Sitio de Vale Formosilho, S.Marcos da Serra, 8375-S. Bartolomeu de Messines. Capital Social: EUR5000 -Mat. C.R.C.Silves sob o no 01376/970908 NIPC no 503951170